Monday, September 6, 2010

A real needle

Last week Ruth started on another felt puppet. The first one was a set that I had with the puppet already cut out and the wholes made for them to stitch with a plastic "needle". I don't have a punch that can make holes in felt though - so I decided to just let her learn to use a real needle. She was thrilled to be sewing properly and did a really good job. I just drew some dots for her to follow.
Today she finished up the decoration on her fish. She is getting much better at using glue on her own and just loves her "creative art". I had copied the idea of the shape of the fish from the other puppet's instructions and Ruth wanted to just copy the design they had done (thinking that was the right way to do it). It was good to get her to do her own thing and not feel it had to be a certain way.
It looks great Ruth.

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